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Dear ##Firstname##, 


Thank you for reserving exhibit space for Exchange 2016 in Austin, TX. The down payment on your exhibit space was due on March 10, but our records indicate that payment has not been received.  Please make a payment immediately to avoid cancellation of your Exchange 2016 exhibit space.  To view the amount due and/or make a credit card payment to your online account, please click the following link:______.   

We would also be happy to take a credit card payment over the phone (952-928-4640). 


If we haven’t heard from you or a payment hasn’t been made by 12:00 pm CST on Wednesday, June 3, we will try to reach you by phone before cancelling your exhibit space as we want to make sure you received this communication and had a chance to retain your exhibit space by making the down payment. 


Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or we can be of assistance.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards,


Exchange Expo Team


Adrianne Fjerstad-Miller

Manager, Programs and Services


Brittany Flight

Coordinator, Programs and Services


Caitlin Carlson

Coordinator, Programs and Services


Grain Elevator & Processing Society (GEAPS) |

The knowledge resource for the world of grain handling industry operations

4248 Park Glen Rd, Minneapolis, MN 55416

(952) 928-4640 phone | (952) 929-1318 fax | conferences@geaps.com




If you have any questions, please contact event management